What is a pregnancy test and how does it work?
For women who do not know what is meant by pregnancy test and how it works this particular post will surly address the subject, during
pregnancy the woman body under go series of physiological changes which
normally comes with lots of symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, laziness
early morning sickness and many more, all off this are signs to show that you
are pregnant but for accurate conformation you need to go for a pregnancy test.
Now back to the question in terms of definition of pregnancytest. It is a test designed to show weather or not a woman is pregnant. There
are various test that can be done to show if it is positive or not such as the
urine test, blood test as well as carrying out a scan .
For the urine test, to get accurate result early morning
sample of urine is needed, this is done by peeing on the test stick with change
in color in the sample stick most of the time comes in pink color this is a
positive sign of pregnancy, but then there are cases where by after carrying
out the urine test which shows positive, you later find out it is a false
positive that is the more reason you have to go for a blood test for full prove
Another reason for false positive
could be as a result of low human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is the
hormone responsible for pregnancy, this is as a result for carrying out the
test too early then you have to wait five to seven days before embarking on
same test then the HCG hormone must have risen you are sure of getting correct
result, yet you still need the blood test for full proof.
With urine test you can do it at home without the aid of any
medical personal just following the instruction on the manual with couples of
minutes you have your result.
Another type of pregnancy test is the blood test type which
is done in hospital by medical personal though you get accurate result with
this method it takes time for you to get the result on like the urine test. Which
you get within minutes of peeing.