There are a number of factors that leads to depression, and
there also various ways in which it affects pregnant women, also to be
highlighted in this article are ways you can get rid of this depression,
frankly speaking these days you find most pregnant women in this situation not
knowing what to do.
First it is very necessary to let you know this, if you are
in a good mood this tell on your baby in your womb that baby too will also be
in a good mood, but if you are depressed your baby too will be depressed
therefore any psychological mood goes as far as having direct effect on your
unborn child.
Causes of depression in pregnant women
- one main factor of depression in women expecting baby is stress, especially the working class mom, thus stressing the body all day up to the point you forget to eat or take out time to rest, the resultant effect is that this will tell on your body system making you to loss sleep which in turn can lead to high blood pressure and other complication all this put together can lead to depression.
- Another factor responsible for depression is as a result of the hormonal changes in the woman’s body, most time lots of women getting pregnant the first falls in this categories, from doctor research hormonal change in the body thus changes the brain chemistry this on it own can cause depression, in fact more than 65% of first timer expectant falls in this categories .
- Another major cause of depress is as a result of the symptoms that goes with pregnancy such as early morning sickness, dizziness, vomiting , weakness of the body etc, this symptoms on it own can easily change a woman’s mood, making her feel sad, which can then lead to depression.
Effects of depression and ways to overcome it in womenexpecting babies
This can have side effect on the unborn child, it result in
the child having defects or problems with vision, hearing and possibly affect
their learning ability.
For women who find themselves in this condition, to overcome
this situation, the main key factor is exercising, taking out time for your
self to rest, eating well balanced diet, I fact this runtime should be done at
early pregnancy stage, not to wait until you find out you have depression that
will be too late.