There are different reason why you would want to losesweight before you get pregnant, it might be for the fact that after pregnancy
shielding off the extra weight is a bit of a problem or it takes time to do or
it could be for your career sake, it all depends on the reason you really want
to loose weight before you decide to get pregnant but in all make sure that as
you are trying to loose that extra pounds of flesh it does not have any health
implication on you and your pregnancy this is the very first thing you should
look at when embarking on this routine.
Now to start with it is advisable you inform your doctor
what your intensions are, also let him
know you want to be pregnant as well, this is the very first step you need to
take before starting anything because the doctor will surly give the best
advise and the best way to go in achieving your goal. Surly he will let you know the number of
pounds to loose per day or week as the case might be and the extent you shouldn’t go beyond, for
health sake and for the safety of your future pregnancy.
The type of food you eat matters right now, you have to eat
food that contains more of proteins and vitamins as well carbohydrate which is
need for energy, fruits and vegetables should also be consumed in large
quantities. Likewise food stuff you should avoid such as fatty foods, food
stuff that have sugar, high protinouse food, all of this are not really good
for the body because they stress the metabolic system of the body.
You got to get involve in daily exercising such as walking
dancing jogging spinning in fact in any active activities that you know will
keep the body fit, just do it . Also find time out after the exercise or work-out
to rest .
In doing all of this you will find our or notice that you
have gain extra mass of muscle this mucles help in eliminating extra weight in
the body and keeping you in a firm shape while try to get pregnant.