Methods and how to stop smoking during pregnancy
For pregnant women or mothers who smokes and want to learn
how to stop smoking, right here is a helpful and very insightful post that will
be a key factor in kicking out the habit.
Firstly, you just have to know that smoking while expecting
a baby has a lot of negative effects on you as well as your baby. For you being
a smoker here are some of the effects you might find yourself, this include
lung disease such as cancer, hypertension, high blood pressure, this disease
might not show when you start smoking but in future be sure to see them hence
the reason why you need to stop the smoking habit.
For your baby in your womb I just want you to know that
anything you take into your month goes in directly into your baby thus when you
smoke your unborn baby smokes too, also this really isn’t good for the unborn baby.
Here are some of the effect of you smoking on your baby, this include Placenta
Abruption, respiratory problem, heart defect, and many more it can as well
force you to premature labour as well as losing the baby. If you truly love
your baby all of this effect and dangers stated here will be enough to stop
How can I prevail over my craving for cigarette
You just have to consciously remind yourself of the danger
and harm it will cause on your unborn child this will be one of the main factors
that will be of great help in kicking out the smoking habit. It is a free will,
though most times you feel the urge of taking a cigarette but you just have to
keep reminding yourself of the harm it will do to your baby and you, thus you
just have to fight it.
I known it is not easy to really stop this automatically and
it will take time but first it all begin from you making up your mind, also be
determine that you want to through off this habit, and always speak to yourself
that you are not going back to it. Should in case the urge comes look for gum
to chew, or go look for friends to talk with just get busy with something that
will get your mind of the cigarette that’s all you need.
Another effective way that will help your quickly go for a
counseling, this got to do with talking with an expert who has the experience
in quitting pregnant women from smoking also you will have the chance of
meeting with other people who have successful stop it as well they to will be a
boost to your moral in stopping this very act.
Another very important point that
you should know is that you should avoid friends and relatives that smokes too,
seeing them smoking might tempt you into just testing it, hence you should let
them know that you want to stop this act if they must smoke it should be done
in your absence, this way it will reduce the cravings for smoking.
One thing you should remember once you finally put a stop to
and you successfully give birth you your baby, do not go back to smoking again
on the ground that you are no longer pregnant, once you have stopped let it be
final, pregnant or not smoking is dangerous to health, it does not add anything
good to the body instead it destroys the body system that is the more reason
you have to quit once and for all.