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Showing posts from September, 2013

How do married couples prevent unwanted pregnancies

 How do married couples prevent unwanted pregnancies There are various ways in which couples can prevent unwantedpregnancies , here are some ways that are popularly used in pregnancies prevention by couples this includes the use of condom, abstinence, which could be total or partial all of this are employed to make sure the women does not get pregnant. In the case of total abstinence it is a situation whereby there is a mutual agreement between the couple   not to get involve in any form of intimacy that can lead to pregnancy, this is the safest   and 100% effective method of prevent unwanted child. While on the other hand the partial abstinence got to do with abstinence for some period of time after which both can go back to intimacy that will lead to child bearing. The use of condom: it is an artificial method used in family planning but most of the time lots of men and women using this method do not use it correctly thereby leading to having unwanted babies. Not tha

What kinds of food are healthy during pregnancy?

 What kinds of food are healthy during pregnancy? Though pregnant women have cravings for all kind of food when they are pregnant, this is normal and natural then you really have to watch what you eat because what goes into your stomach as will goes into that of your baby. As an expectant mother you should be more concerned with the well being of your unborn child especially at the first stage of the pregnancy which is known as the first trimester, at this stage is when most of the vital organ is been developed, hence you really need to pay attention to food to be eatin g and not to be eating. List of food to eat and to avoid while pregnant fish : it contain protein it is good for the mother as well as the baby , it helps fight against foreign bodies and serve as sources of omega 3, which is needed for the brain developmental process of the unborn child. But should be cooked, avoid eating uncooked fishing or half cooked fish 2.     Cooked meat

How to Exercise After a C Section

First you have to get a permission or seek advice from your doctor to know if it is right to start   exercise after a C section the main reason for this is to make sure the stitches’ you had during the c section has completely healed before embarking on any form of exercise Reasons why you need exercise after a C section   One of the main reasons why you need this exercise is to help in the healing process on the location in which the C section was done, also to help in returning the stomach back to it normal shape after child bearing. During pregnancy a lot of fat is been stored in the body, this fat needed to be gotten rid of this can be achieve through exercise, it is vital you know that this fat impaired quick healing of the of the part in which the incisions was done, that is the more reason you need to burn off the fat by regular exercising Here are a few exercise s you can try once your doctor has given you the permission to do so. walking: this i

What is the best way to get pregnant?

For couples or women looking for the best ways on how to getpregnan t here are the best tips you need, though you might have tried for many years without any success why not give this tips here a trial and see if it will work in your case, but for me I know it will surly do the magic you need because they are well prepared and researched tips all just for you. Outlines on the best ways to get pregnant it is best both the male and the female should schedule a visit with a gynecologist or midwife, to ascertain or to know if there is any problem wrong between them why they are not pregnant this is the first step to be taken as this will rest your mind if found that both of you are 100% fit to bear children thus reducing the tension. Also the reason you need the gynecologist or midwife is that they will advice you on certain food   or activities not to indulge in that will hinder getting pregnant as in the case of the woman. Eating

What is the best treatment for a yeast infection during pregnancy?

 Yeast infection i s a very common infection amongst women especially the pregnant ones, this goes a long way in affecting the child if not treated on time before delivery of the baby. For you to know weather or not you have the infection there are some very visible signs that you will notice, first itching and burning feeling in your private parts, bleeding, and a discharge of a whitish substance all of this are signs of yeast infection. For better confirmation you have to visit an obstetrician or midwife or better still run a test in a lab this will further be a confirmation. There are different approaches to the treatment of yeastinfection you can use the natural and the drugs method. Here are some of a few home treatment methods that can be use for this infection, but then it should be noted using natural means does takes a longer time before the yeast infection can be cured. List of natural herbs for yeast infection treatment duringpregnancy Making use o

How DO pregnant women sleep at night?

 For a pregnant woman it is proper you learn the right way to sleep especially at night where by there are always long hours to sleep. Though pregnant women needs lots of sleeping time and rest, yet sleeping the wrong way surly will have a negative effect on you hence that is why you need to read this tips that will show you the right way to sleep. For women who love sleeping with their stomach facing their bed once you becomes pregnant all of that will changing sure you have to learn to sleep the new way. Doctors and midwifes   always advice mothers that are pregnant to always sleep side ways that is sleeping with their left side of their body not with their stomach, this eventually becomes the position for sleeping until the baby is delivered. Here Are Some Of The Benefits The Mother Gains For Sleeping The Right Way For a pregnant woman sleeping rightly that is with her side of her body, this helps in   eliminating the pressure on the vein , most of the time this p

How does depression affect pregnant women?

There are a number of factors that leads to depression, and there also various ways in which it affects pregnant women , also to be highlighted in this article are ways you can get rid of this depression, frankly speaking these days you find most pregnant women in this situation not knowing what to do. First it is very necessary to let you know this, if you are in a good mood this tell on your baby in your womb that baby too will also be in a good mood, but if you are depressed your baby too will be depressed therefore any psychological mood goes as far as having direct effect on your unborn child. Causes of depression in pregnant women one main factor of depression in women expecting baby is stress, especially the working class mom,   thus stressing the body all day up to the point you forget to eat or take out time to rest, the resultant effect is that this will tell on your body system making you to loss sleep which in turn can lead to high

Why do pregnant women vomit so often? How to deal with the situation

 It good you know vomiting is one of the symptoms associated with early pregnancy in women , when even a woman start to feel like vomiting it really a part of what to expect during the first and second week of pregnancy, having said that there are ways in which individuals can curtail this symptoms which will be talked about right here in this post. Here are some vital tips that will be of great help in curbing vomiting . There are lots of side effect of frequent vomiting one of this is dehydration, been in this state is not too good for a pregnant woman as well as her unborn child. First, do not over labor yourself with too much of work as this will wear you out create more time for yourself to rest, since women expectant of child really need much of rest you have to abide by this rule, try by all means to listen to your body chemistry, and give it the needed rest when necessary. Try and eat whatever food you feel like eaten most times such really help to prevent

What causes high blood pressure during pregnancy?

 In wanting to know what is the actual cause of high plod pressure in pregnancy , I just have to quickly state here that there are no known cause of such aliment, since it varies from one woman to another, also you have to take note at what point did the high blood pressure occur, is it before the woman becomes pregnant or   after she got pregnant all of this will be discussed in this article. Another name of high blood pressure is known as gestationalhypertension since it has to do with pregnant women hence it is called that gestational hypertension. There are several factors that may result to gestational hypertension this include stress, family background, also from research pregnant women are more prone to high blood pressure as a result in the weakness of the veins hence the body system can not really fight diseases this on it on can result in high blood pressure. The good part is that all of this will go away as soon as the baby is born, in this case it is considered

How bad will a hip tattoo look after pregnancy?

First it is good to know if after given birth weather or not the hip tattoo inscribed can be altered. Pregnancy comes with a lot of body physical changes thus during pregnancy there is always an enlargement of the female body this is so to help accommodate the baby in the womb and to prepare the body for the incoming baby thereby stretching the body skin, this is natural all pregnant women experience this. We are going to look at hip tattoo in two ways which is before pregnancy and after pregnancy. If you do not have a hip tattoo before you get pregnant I will advise you leave it at that till you are through with the delivery of your baby thus allowing the stretched body to regain it previous position before embarking on inking your hip with tattoo. Now for those with hip tattoo, what are some of the effectsafter pregnancy ? As stated earlier in this articles that the female body under some physical changes which got to do with increase in the body sizes, this as well a